Hurricane Prep at the Swamp

As hurricane season begins to creep up again, many people on the Gulf Coast have already begun storm preparations. At Alligator Alley, we are doing the same. We make it our priority to make sure our alligator friends are happy and healthy every day, and we take extra precautions to make sure they feel protected in the event of a hurricane. Much like a typical day at Alligator Alley in the event of a storm, we’re securing equipment, protecting the alligators from glass and making sure all of our friends have full bellies.

Our 500 alligators (and counting) are protected by double-sided fences surrounding the property – one of these fences stands four feet into the ground and 10 feet tall! We are not prone to flooding considering how far inland we are located, but we still like to plan ahead. Our spillway allows us to adjust our water level – which becomes even more important during nesting season. Preventing floods also helps to ensure the alligators remain in the swamp. But really… who would want to escape a place like this?!
Alligators, much like humans, are planners in their own way. They have their own way of prepping for emergency storm situations, as they have an instinctual response that allows them to read barometric changes. When alligators sense the low pressure that signals dangerous weather, they know to submerge themselves to the bottom of the swamp to ride out the storm. Our other animals at Alligator Alley require a little more help with storm preparations. We board up our snake exhibits with plywood to make sure that the glass does not break, and we make sure the lizards, turtles and tortoises all take shelter indoors.
We do our best to help the alligators prepare for storms, but in the wild the rely completely on their own instincts. Wild alligators often seek safety and shelter under nearby porches or decks. If you live in an alligator-prone area, make sure to check your backyard carefully before inspecting storm damage around your home. If you happen to find an uninvited friend on your property, please contact Alabama Fish and Wildlife or your state’s official service. These professionals will be able to remove the alligator safely.
We always want to make sure our alligators feel safe and secure during any weather. But don’t just take our word for it. Come see all of our fascinating features around the swamp for yourself! Check out the details on pricing and hours. We can’t wait to see you at Alligator Alley!
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